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What causes visual snow syndrome?

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2023 | Brain Injury |

Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) is a perplexing neurological condition that affects how individuals perceive the world around them. While numerous factors can lead to the development of this syndrome, one intriguing aspect that has garnered attention is its potential association with head injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Exploring how VSS might be linked to accidents, like car crashes, falls, or other traumatic incidents that result in concussions and TBIs, is crucial knowledge for many individuals who need to pursue personal injury claims.

What is visual snow syndrome?

This is a neurological disorder characterized by a constant visual disturbance. Individuals with VSS often describe their visual field as resembling “visual static,” similar to the static on a television screen. This condition can severely impact a person’s quality of life, leading to a range of distressing visual symptoms.

One of the hallmark symptoms of VSS is the perception of persistent visual noise. This noise can manifest as flickering dots or lines in the visual field, making it challenging to focus on objects and causing visual discomfort. VSS can also lead to difficulties with night vision. Patients often report struggling to see in low-light conditions, which can profoundly impact their daily lives.

Photophobia, or heightened sensitivity to light, is another common symptom of VSS. Due to this increased sensitivity, those afflicted with VSS often struggle to cope with even normal lighting conditions. People with VSS may also experience afterimages more intensely and for more extended periods than those without the condition. Afterimages are vivid, lingering visual impressions that appear after looking at an object.

Possible link to head injuries

While the exact cause of Visual Snow Syndrome remains a subject of ongoing research, a growing body of evidence suggests a potential connection between VSS and head injuries, including concussions and TBIs. Concussions and TBIs can result from various incidents, such as car accidents, falls or sports-related injuries. These traumatic incidents often involve the brain colliding with the skull, which can lead to both immediate and long-term neurological consequences.

In many cases, head injuries affect the visual processing centers of the brain. These centers are responsible for interpreting the visual information received by the eyes. When damaged, they may transmit incorrect signals, leading to visual disturbances.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of Visual Snow Syndrome, especially after a head injury, seeking medical attention is crucial. While there is no definitive cure for VSS, treatments are available to help manage its symptoms and improve the quality of life for affected individuals. Compensation for this kind of suffering may also be available if the cause of a patient’s harm was not self-inflicted.